The Salt-Box Shoe and Deliberately Concealed Textiles (PieceWork, Spring 2022)

Cover of magazine of PieceWork featuring Bargello needlework case

My latest article is now out in the Spring issue of PieceWork magazine! It focuses on the Salt-Box shoe, a small child’s boot that was found in the ruins of a house in Shelton, Connecticut. But how did the shoe survive the elements for almost one hundred years and why was it thought to bring good luck?

Learn about the mystery of concealed textiles, garments that were purposefully hidden in the structure of homes. Why did people hide clothing in their walls, under floors, and over doorways? And what can we learn about the past from these objects?

If you would like to learn more about the Salt-Box shoe and deliberately concealed textiles you can purchase a copy of the Spring issue of PieceWork online here or at your local craft store. Special thanks to the Shelton Historical Society for letting me share their object and its history!