Moth Myths: Protecting Your Textile Treasures (PieceWork, Summer 2023)

Cover of Piecework magazine Summer 2023 showing embroidered pin cushion.

Have you ever opened your yarn stash to see a moth fly out or noticed that your favorite sweater has small bites taken out of it? Read my latest article in PieceWork Summer 2023 to learn more about preventing moths.

The internet and old wives’ tales are rife with advice on how to prevent a moth infestation, but how many are actually true? My article discusses often repeated methods of moth deterrence. I explain which ones are true and which ones are simply myths.

You can find PieceWork Summer 2023 here online or at your local craft shop. I also discuss moth infestations in my two part series When Moths Attack Part I and Part II.

Moth webbing
Webbing from clothes moth.