Rossi Conservation is a textile conservation studio based in East Lothian, Scotland. We offer textile conservation services such as assessment, treatment, mounting, storage, and prevention education throughout the country. Find out more about our services here.
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When to Seek Out a Textile Conservator
What is a textile conservator and when do you need to contact one? Textile conservation is the caring for and repairing of textile objects. These objects can be…
4 min read
Moth Myths: Protecting Your Textile Treasures (PieceWork, Summer 2023)
Have you ever opened your yarn stash to see a moth fly out or noticed that your favorite sweater has small bites taken out of it? Read my…
4 min read
Dyeing with Lady’s Bedstraw (Spin Off, Spring 2023)
Learn about dyeing with Lady’s Bedstraw in the Spring 2023 issue of Spin Off! My article explains the history of the plant in Scotland, how to ethically forage…
4 min read
How To Transform A Raw Fleece Into Clean Wool
I recently attended the Connecticut Sheep, Wool, and Fiber Fest. I went thinking I would only buy washed and prepped wool, but walked away with a six pounds…
4 min read
Margaret Macdonald: The Other Mackintosh of Glasgow Style (PieceWork, Summer 2022)
When you walk the streets of Glasgow, Scotland you’ll be struck how much the city loves the local architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh. However, Mackintosh’s wife Margaret Macdonald was…
4 min read
Conservation of Color (Spin Off, Spring 2022)
The new issue of Spin Off is available now which includes my latest article, Conservation of Color. My article clarifies the science behind color in textiles and how…
4 min read